February 18, 2025

Armchair Dragoons Digital Convention (ACDC) June 2021

Armchair Dragoons, Regimental Operations Order 21-137

Distribution restriction: No restriction; unlimited distribution is authorized
Note that this Operations Order will be updated as the schedule is finalized.




  • Weather – Summer heat expected across most of our participant areas. Ideally, operations are executed indoors where weather impacts are minimized.
  • Enemy Forces – COVID-19 still a factor, though waning.  Apathy and disinterest remain concerns, however.
  • Friendly Forces – Armchair Dragoons online expeditionary taskOrg is in effect
  • Attachments & Detachments – Attachments will include Ardwulf’s Lair, Moe’s Game Table, NSDM, and Wargame Bootcamp, among others.



The Armchair Dragoons and other friendly forces conduct online/virtual game convention operations from 18-20 June, 2021, including gameplay, designer interviews, talks shows, seminar presentations, and the new wargame artwork design contest, at a cost of $5 to attend.
Registration is handled through Tabletop.Events



  • Commander’s Intent

Continuing the burgeoning tradition of Armchair Dragoons Digital Conventions, our next event will take place on the weekend in June that was vacated by Origins (who moved the in-person convention to October).  Expect a full weekend of online games, talk shows, presentations, and all around strategy gaming goodness.
The edition of The ACDC is expected to be highlighted by a variety of “big” events lasting multiple hours and/or including larger-than-usual numbers of participants, to bring convention attendees closer to the kinds of events that require a convention infrastructure to truly support.


  • Concept of the Operation

As before, the ACDC will focus on the following 4 features, with details forthcoming

  1. Wargaming Events – Initial event calendar should be ready NLT 21 May 2021, including the aforementioned “big” events.  Wargames will played through virtual tabletop systems like VASSAL, Tabletop Simulator, and Tabletopia.  Registered players may play in any number of non-overlapping events for their $5 registration cost. The GMs will load ensure the appropriate game-specific modules are available for the players joining the game.
  2. Wargame-related Seminars – As above, initial event calendar should be ready NLT 21 May 2021, with seminars and talk shows spanning all three days of the convention
  3. Vendor and Sponsor Support – Continuing our experiments to find an optimal paradigm for vendor participation & support during an online convention, this time we’re providing the vendors with a dedicated area of the convention Discord server to allow them to control their own announcements, sales, product highlights, etc.
  4. The Convention ‘Community’ – As before, the convention “home base” will be the Discord server that will act as
    (a) the common area for attendee interaction and discussion
    (b) the primary announcement channel for convention staff to provide information to attendees
    (c) the primary comms channel for online gameplay within the convention
    (d) the primary vendor interaction channel for participants
    (e) a means through which attendees can arrange / organize impromptu pick-up games
  5. The Art Contest – A new initiative with The ACDC and The Armchair Dragoons!  The art contest will provide a common set of tabletop wargame graphics for all participants, whose task will be to redesign the graphics with a focus on usability, aesthetics, and artistic merit.  Two prizes will be awarded: a vote among The ACDC attendees, and a judges’ award by an industry panel, who will also highlight & showcase particular entries of merit during an online award show on Saturday 19 June.  Details, including the original files for the artwork can be found here.

See Annex C, below, for the synch matrix.


  • Subordinate Tasks
  1. GMs – prepare, present & supervise games played during the convention, including ownership of the game modules for the games/platforms you intend to use. If needed, platform test w/ Armchair Dragoons HQ NLT 14 June 2021
  2. Players – Ensure you have the correct platform software (VASSAL, TTS, etc) loaded and functional before registering for any games. The GMs will provide the appropriate game module and invite you into the game, but it is your responsibility to ensure your computer is working.
    Additionally, players are required to provide their Discord user name upon registration, to ensure that GMs can invite them into their game at the appointed time.
  3. Seminar Speakers – Prepare & present content for online audience, including participant Q&A.
  4. Editorial Team – ensure content is captured during the event to most accurately capture the convention for follow-up articles.
  5. Moe’s Game Table and Ardwulf’s Lair will conduct public comms events for convention attendees, including wargaming happy hours, designer interviews, and hosted discussions.


  • Coordinating Instructions
  1. The ACDC has a cost of $5/attendee for a weekend badge; individual events have no separate cost.
  2. Event schedule will be posted here, for you to recon before registration opens.
  3. All times for all events are listed as US/Eastern time.
  4. Only ticketed attendees will be given access to the ACDC Discord server.
  5. Badges are needed to play in the games, but not to watch.  While we hope to stream many of the games through YouTube, they will primarily be made available to registered participants through the screen streaming function on Discord.
  6. All GMs will make every effort to stream their games through the Discord screen sharing, and through publicly-viewable channels (YouTube, Twitch, etc) when possible.
  7. ACDC Merchandise will be available through the Armchair Dragoons CaféPress store
  8. There is an option to print your badge, if you want it as a keepsake. Obviously, we don’t need no stinkin’ badges for an online convention.


Service Support

  • Support Concept

Armchair Dragoons will provide the scheduling & registration framework, as well as the online ‘anchor’ presence for the convention.  As the central clearinghouse for information, Armchair Dragoons will take the lead in supporting convention attendees.

  • Technical Support
    1. Armchair Dragoons can offer limited technical support for the registration / scheduling software through the tabletop.events platform
    2. Within the Discord Server, there is a “Help” channel that will include “tips & tricks” guides for specific platforms, but these are in no way intended as any sort of guarantee of success nor an implied offer of universal tech support
    3. Armchair Dragoons makes no promises, guarantees, warranties, or assurances that the platforms used for this convention (such as TTS, or VASSAL) will load and function correctly on your individual machine. In short: it is your responsibility to make sure your computer works with the platform for the game(s) you want to play this weekend.
  • Personnel
    1. Anyone wishing to volunteer as a GM is instructed to contact the convention team at dragoonsassembly – (AT) – that ‘gmail’ thingee.  Please include game, platform, duration, max # of players, and your experience with playing/leading the game in an online platform.  Include at least 2 options for times at which you can run the game.
    2. Anyone wishing to volunteer as a seminar speaker is instructed to contact the convention team at dragoonsassembly – (AT) – that ‘gmail’ thingee.  Please include a draft outline of the content to be covered and include at least 2 options for times at which you can present.  Note that whenever possible, we will try not to schedule multiple seminars at the same time, although that is getting harder these days.
    3. No one is to submit events to the convention without first clearing them through the convention team.
  •  Promotions
    1. A bank of images is available to freely share here: banner ad (728×90) ; social media box (500×500); large banner (728×250)
    2. Everyone registering for/attending the ACDC is asked to share information about the convention through their social networks; the more, the merrier!
    3. When posting to social media, please use the hashtag #TheJuneACDC and/or tag Armchair Dragoons (Twitter / Facebook).  Anyone posting photos of themselves with June ACDC merchandise just might be in for a surprise


Command & Signal

  • Command
    1. Armchair Dragoons will lead the effort, with assistance from other organizations as needed
    2. Questions or concerns should be communicated to dragoonsassembly – (AT) – that ‘gmail’ thingee
  • Signal
    1. We will use online comms for site administration and other coordination
    2. All games are played online through virtual platforms like Tabletop Simulator, VASSAL, and Tabletopia. It is the player’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate software is working on his/her own computer.
    3. Games will operate with online voice channels, such as Steam Chat or a Discord server.  The GM will communicate to the players which channel is being used, but it is the player’s responsibility to ensure the audio is appropriate for the game.
    4. While some GMs prefer Steam Chat for their voice comms, the priority will be the dedicated Discord Server available for that weekend for both voice and text chat


Annex C – Synch Matrix

Event NameEvent TypeHost NamesMax TicketsStartsTime (EDT)MinutesPlatform
Wargame Bootcamp - Learn to Use Discord, VASSAL, TTSSeminarKarl Kreder, Tim Porter12Friday1300180Discord
Operation CorridorSeminarTomislav Čipčić100Friday1300120YouTube
Moe's Game Table interview designer Stuart TongeSeminarMoe Fitzgerald100Friday1500120YouTube
World At War 85, "The Rhine" Campaign Game - Session 1Game SessionDevin Heinle4Friday1600180Tabletop Simulator
Iron & OakGame SessionAndrew Bucholtz4Friday1700120VASSAL
Bayonets & TomahawksGame SessionKarl Kreder8Friday1700180VASSAL
¡CANCELED! (Conflict of Heroes)Game SessionCANCELED6Friday1800180CANCELED
Happy Hour - Welcome to the June ACDCSeminarBrant Guillory, Gary Mengle100Friday1800120YouTube
Lock 'n Load TacticalGame SessionStéphane Tanguay20Friday1900180VASSAL
Last One Standing (pre-pub)Game SessionRyan Heilman4Friday1900120VASSAL
Squadron StrikeGame SessionKen Burnside4Friday2000240ASCIBI
Great Campaigns of the American Civil War BootcampGame SessionPatrick Pence4Saturday0900120VASSAL
Kriegsspiel!Game SessionMarshall Neal8Saturday0900360Discord
Wargaming WakeupSeminarBrant Guillory30Saturday090060Discord
Space 1889!SeminarRobert Mosher100Saturday1000120YouTube
Wargame Bootcamp - Learn to Use Discord, VASSAL, TTSSeminarKarl Kreder, Tim Porter12Saturday1100180Discord
Shores of TripoliGame SessionKevin Bertram4Saturday1200120VASSAL
What a Tanker!Game SessionJim Owczarski8Saturday1300240Tabletop Simulator
White Eagle DefiantGame SessionDave Shaw, Ryan Heilman4Saturday1300120VASSAL
Brotherhood & Unity demo & historical backgroundSeminarTomislav Čipčić12Saturday1300240Discord
Rebels and Patriots AWIGame SessionRich4Saturday1300240Tabletop Simulator
Atlantic Chase (starts at 1430 EDT)Game SessionKarl Kreder8Saturday1400180VASSAL
Forts at the Forks of the OhioSeminarJim Werbaneth100Saturday140060YouTube
In The Shadows Gameplay DemoGame SessionJoe Schmidt20Saturday1400120Discord/TTS
Moe's Game Table interview with designer Bruce MaxwellSeminarMoe Fitzgerald100Saturday1400120YouTube
2 Minutes to Midnight Demo with designer Stuart TongeSeminarStuart Tonge30Saturday1500120Discord
Lock 'n Load TacticalGame SessionStéphane Tanguay4Saturday1500180VASSAL
Squadron StrikeGame SessionKen Burnside4Saturday1600240ASCIBI
Inaugural Wargame Art Design Contest Award ShowSeminarBrant Guillory100Saturday1600120YouTube
La Belle EpoqueGame SessionTim Porter4Saturday1600180VASSAL
In The Shadows Gameplay DemoGame SessionJoe Schmidt20Saturday1700120Discord/TTS
Hands in the SeaGame SessionAndrew Bucholtz4Saturday1800120VASSAL
Deadly WoodsGame SessionKarl Kreder8Saturday1800180VASSAL
Ardwulf's Lair interview with Dark City GamesSeminarGary Mengle100Saturday1800120YouTube
Waterloo! (Lasalle 2 rules)Game SessionJim Owczarski6Saturday1900240Tabletop Simulator
World At War 85, "The Rhine" Campaign Game - Session 2Game SessionDevin Heinle4Saturday1900180Tabletop Simulator
Wargaming WakeupSeminarBrant Guillory30Sunday90060Discord
Lock 'n Load TacticalGame SessionStéphane Tanguay20Sunday1000180VASSAL
Great Campaigns of the American Civil War BootcampGame SessionPatrick Pence4Sunday1100180VASSAL
Wargame Bootcamp - Learn to Use Discord, VASSAL, TTSSeminarKarl Kreder, Tim Porter12Sunday1100180Discord
Starship Troopers: What's All the Fuss?SeminarChris Weuve100Sunday110090YouTube
Brave Little BelgiumGame SessionDave Shaw, Ryan Heilman4Sunday1200120VASSAL
¡CANCELED! (Aspern Essling)Game SessionCANCELED6Sunday1200300CANCELED
Rebel Raiders on the High SeasGame SessionAndrew Bucholtz4Sunday1300120VASSAL
Global Hotspots update with NSDMSeminarMerle Robinson100Sunday1300120YouTube
Rebels and Patriots AWIGame SessionRich4Sunday1300240Tabletop Simulator
Conflict of HeroesGame SessionUwe Eickert6Sunday1400180Tabletopia
Napoleon 1807 (starts at 1430 EDT)Game SessionKarl Kreder8Sunday1400180VASSAL
World At War 85, "The Rhine" Campaign Game - Session 3Game SessionDevin Heinle4Sunday1400180Tabletop Simulator
Moe's Game Table interview with Lock 'n Load PublishingSeminarMoe Fitzgerald100Sunday1500120YouTube
Shores of TripoliGame SessionKevin Bertram4Sunday1500120VASSAL
Happy Hour - Wrapping Up the June ACDCSeminarBrant Guillory, Moe Fitzgerald100Sunday1700120YouTube
Almost a MiracleGame SessionKarl Kreder8Sunday1800180VASSAL


Full schedule will be posted here as it is finalized

How was the last ACDC, in January 2021?  Here’s the OPORD & event listings, live streams, AAR

We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons!
We’ve got a dedicated forum to discuss the June 2021 ACDC.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you once we’re allowed to hold them again.